2D Keypoint Tracker
The 2D Keypoint Tracker object enables real-time tracking of 18 keypoints (joints) on the human body in 2D space, making it ideal for attaching virtual items to specific body parts. Keypoints represent specific joints, such as the wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles, and serve as markers to track and interpret body movement.
By integrating the Human Action Detection and Human Pose Estimation nodes, this object also supports pose estimation and movement recognition, allowing for interactive effects that respond dynamically to body movements, such as dance effects and gesture-based experiences.

Add a 2D Keypoint Tracker Object
To add a 2D Keypoint Tracker object:
- Go to the Hierarchy panel
- Click + Add object
- Go to AR Tracking
- Select 2D Keypoint Tracker

Assign a Tracked Object
To attach an object to the selected body part, you must make the object a child of the 2D Keypoint Tracker object. For example, you can parent 2D Keypoint Tracker objects to 2D images so that the images are tracked on the designated body part.

The 2D Keypoint Tracker object is made up of the following components, found in the Inspector panel: