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Hair Color

Hair Color enables you to apply color effects to your hair. You can also further customize the hair effect by changing its properties.


Add Hair Color

To add a Hair Color component:

  1. Go to the Inspector panel
  2. Click Add Component
  3. Go to Face Effects
  4. Click Hair Color


ModeEnables you to further customize the color effect to your hair. Choose between Full, Two Tone, Streaks, or Custom Texture

Full: Applies a single color to your hair
  • Color: Chooses the color to be applied to your hair
  • Opacity: Controls the transparency of the color. Use the slider to set the opacity to a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque. The default value is 0.70.
  • Coverage: Increases the color coverage on the surface of your hair
  • Bleach: When checked, lightens the tone of your hair
    • Intensity: Controls how strong the bleaching effect is. Use the slider to set the intensity to a value between 0 and 1.

    Two Tone: Applies two different colors to your hair
  • Type: Allows you to choose which direction the hair color is applied to
    • Left and Right
    • Top and Bottom
  • Color 1: Chooses the first color to be applied to your hair
  • Opacity: Controls the transparency of the color. Use the slider to set the opacity to a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque. The default value is 0.70.
  • Color 2: Chooses the second color to be applied to your hair
  • Opacity: Controls the transparency of the color. Use the slider to set the opacity to a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque. The default value is 0.70.
  • Gradient: Transitions between two or more colors or shades
  • Coverage: Increases the color coverage on the surface of your hair
  • Flip: Changes the color sequence from left to right
  • Bleach: When checked, lightens the tone of your hair
    • Intensity: Controls how strong the bleaching effect is. Use the slider to set the intensity to a value between 0 and 1.

    Streaks: Applies several different colors to streaks of your hair
  • Color 1: Chooses the first color to be applied to your hair
  • Opacity: Controls the transparency of the color. Use the slider to set the opacity to a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque. The default value is 0.70.
  • Color 2: Chooses the second color to be applied to your hair
  • Opacity: Controls the transparency of the color. Use the slider to set the opacity to a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque. The default value is 0.70.
  • Color 3: Chooses the third color to be applied to your hair
  • Opacity: Controls the transparency of the color. Use the slider to set the opacity to a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque. The default value is 0.70.
  • Color 4: Chooses the fourth color to be applied to your hair
  • Opacity: Controls the transparency of the color. Use the slider to set the opacity to a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque. The default value is 0.70.
  • Coverage: Increases the color coverage on the surface of your hair

  • Custom Texture: Import your own textures into the Assets panel and apply them to your hair
  • Texture: Choose a texture from the Assets panel to apply to your hair
  • Opacity: Controls the transparency of the texture. Use the slider to set the opacity to a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque. The default value is 0.70.
  • Coverage: Increases the color coverage on the surface of your hair
  • Blend Mode: Determines different calculations used to blend color and texture. Choose from the following blend modes:
    • Normal
    • Darken
    • Multiply
    • Lighten
    • Screen
    • Linear Dodge
    • Color Burn
    • Color Dodge
    • Overlay
    • Soft Light
    • Difference
    • Exclusion
  • Bleach: When checked, lightens the tone of your hair
    • Intensity: Controls how strong the bleaching effect is. Use the slider to set the intensity to a value between 0 and 1.