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Version: 4.6.0

Face Mask

Face Mask applies a 2D texture to a user’s face to create face paint or makeup effects.


Add Face Mask

To add a Face Mask component:

  1. Go to the Inspector panel.
  2. Click + Add Component.
  3. Go to Face Effects.
  4. Click Face Mask.


Face RegionThis property designates where the mesh will appear on the face. Chose Whole (default), Eyes, Eyelashes, or Lips. See the demonstration below.
TextureChoose a texture from the Assets picker.
Opacity EnableCustomize the Opacity Texture and Color of the mesh. This is selected by default.
  • Opacity Texture: Apply an alpha mask texture to the mask. Choose a texture from the Assets picker. See the demonstration below.
  • Color: Determine the colors that will blend with the texture. For example, you can adjust the color of the eye shadow texture. See the demonstration below.
  • Opacity: Use the slider to set the opacity to a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque (unless the edges are feathered). The default value is 1.
Blend ModeDetermines different calculations used to blend color and texture. Choose from the following blend modes:
  • Normal
  • Multiply
  • Overlay
  • Add
  • Screen
  • Soft Light
  • Average
  • Color Burn
  • Color Dodge
  • Darken
  • Difference
  • Exclusion
  • Lighten
  • Linear Dodge
OffsetAdjust the mesh position.
  • X: Set the horizontal offset to a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being the most left and 2 being the most right. The default value is 1.
  • Y: Set the vertical offset to a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being the most top and 2 being the most bottom. The default value is 1.
Which FaceSelect which face the Face Mask object is applied to. Multiple selections are supported. 0 represents the first face that appears in the scene and similarly, 4 represents the fifth face that appears in the scene. All are selected by default.

Note the size of the image you imported for the Face Mask. If you change the Face Region type to Eyes, Lips, or Eyelashes, make sure the size of your image is aligned with the template provided in this guide.


Face Region







Opacity Texture

whole   eyes
lips   eyelashes


change eyeshadow color