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The Graph component in Effect House introduces a structured way to manage scripting logic for individual objects. This feature enhances maintainability, improves performance, and provides better organization by decentralizing logic across independent Graph components instead of a singular main graph.

Why Use a Graph Component?

Separation of Logic for Different Objects

In a singular main graph, all logic resides within one graph, which can lead to entangled node structure. The Graph component allows for easier management and debugging. They offer an efficient way to manage scripting logic by isolating object-specific logic from the main graph.

  • Each object can have its own independent logic
  • The main graph focuses on overall logic across objects
  • Graph components allow exporting and instantiating individual objects with distinct logic

Add a Graph Component

To add a Graph component to your visual scripting logic:

  1. Select an object in the Hierarchy panel

  2. Click + Add component in the Inspector panel

  3. Go to Graph. This opens the Graph Component menu, displaying:

    • A list of existing Graph components in the project
    • An option to create a new Graph component
    add graph component
  4. To create a new Graph component, click New Graph Component

  5. Enter a graph name

  6. Click Create and add

    create and add a graph component

    The new Graph component can be found in the Graph folder of the Assets panel.

    create and add a graph component

Manage Graph Components

To assign, view, rename, and edit Graph components:

  1. Locate the Graph component in the Inspector panel

  2. Click the Source field. You can create and view the available Graph components here.

    select graph menu
  3. Click Edit to open the Graph component in the Visual Scripting panel. You can also switch between Graph components and the main System Graph here.

    select a component graph from the menu

Example Use Cases

  • Effects that reuse object-specific logic
  • Game effects where characters have their own unique movements and animations
  • Effects where particle systems are managed differently for independent objects (snowfall, water ripple)