![vertex to rect](//lf16-tiktok-common.tiktokcdn-us.com/obj/tiktok-web-common-tx/effect/learn/assets/images/vertex_to_rect-427e4ae458519e70944a7d9cd76fab01.png)
Use Vertex to Rect to create a rectangle by specifying its 4 corner positions. Vertex to Rect is in the Utility category.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Top left | Vec2 | The vertex pixel position of the rectangle’s top left corner. |
Top right | Vec2 | The vertex pixel position of the rectangle’s top right corner. |
Bottom left | Vec2 | The vertex pixel position of the rectangle’s bottom left corner. |
Bottom right | Vec2 | The vertex pixel position of the rectangle’s bottom right corner. |
Name | Data Type | Description |
New Rect | Rect | The generated rectangle. |