Index Generator
Outputs a set of numbers within a predefined range. Use Loop mode to cycle through the set based on the Loop Count; Random mode to output randomized values (may repeat); and Shuffle mode to output all values at once (no repetition) in a random order.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Enter | Exec | The input that triggers this node. |
Reset | Exec | Resets the current index logic. |
From | Number | Minimum value of the index. |
To | Number | Maximum value of the index. |
Mode | String | Loop, Random, or Shuffle. |
Loop Count | Number | Number of cycles. |
Ping-pong | Boolean | When selected, it outputs the set of numbers from the starting value to end value and then backwards. |
Name | Data Type | Description |
Next | Exec | Executes the next node. |
Index | Number | The output index in between From and To. |

You can use a Peek node to see if the output number follows the table above.

If Loop Count is finite number, for example 1, it will repeat the last one, say 012345555555…
If Loop Count is infinite, which is -1, it will loop forever but for each loop, the play mode will rerun.