Continuous Snapshot

Continuous Snapshot takes a set number of continuous snapshots and saves the textures to an array. When the max count is reached, snapshots saved first will be replaced by more recent ones.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Start | Exec | Start capturing snapshots. |
Stop | Exec | Stop capturing snapshots. |
Clear All | Exec | Clear all captured snapshots. |
Camera Texture | Render Texture | The camera to pull from. |
Max Count | Number | The number of textures saved in the array. |
Resolution Ratio | Number | The resolution of the output texture. |
Name | Data Type | Description |
Exit | Exec | Execute the next node. |
Snapshot Textures | Array<Texture2D> | The array that saves all the captured textures. 0 represents the most-recently captured snapshot. |

In this example, the canvas is divided into four images, each being set by a different item of a Continuous Snapshot array. A camera feed has been applied to an unlit plane which is being rendered by the CameraFeed camera.
The render texture is then fed into a Continuous Snapshot node and four different items are pulled from the array to create the above delayed effect.