Face Avatar Result

Use Face Avatar Result to provide Face Avatar Drive Blendshape channel value information. Face Avatar Result is in the Head & Face category.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Enter | Exec | Execute the node. |
Blendshape | String | Blendshape channels include: eyeBlinkLeft, eyeBlinkRight, eyeLookDownLeft, eyeLookDownRight, eyeLookInLeft, eyeLookInRight, eyeLookOutLeft, eyeLookOutRight, eyeLookUpLeft, eyeLookUpRight, eyeSquintLeft, eyeSquintRight, eyeWideLeft, eyeWideRight, jawForward, jawLeft, jawRight, jawOpen, mouthClose, mouthFunnel, mouthPucker, mouthLeft, mouthRight, mouthSmileLeft, mouthSmileRight, mouthFrownLeft, mouthFrownRight, mouthDimpleLeft, mouthDimpleRight, mouthStretchLeft, mouthStretchRight, mouthRollLower, mouthRollUpper, mouthShrugLower, mouthShrugUpper, mouthPressLeft, mouthPressRight, mouthLowerDownLeft, mouthLowerDownRight, mouthUpperUpLeft, mouthUpperUpRight, browDownLeft, browDownRight, browInnerUp, browOuterUpLeft, browOuterUpRight, cheekPuff, cheekSquintLeft, cheekSquintRight, noseSneerLeft, noseSneerRight, tongueOut. |
Name | Data Type | Description |
Exit | Exec | Execute the next node. |
Weight | Number | The value of the weight channel. |

This example uses Face Avatar Result and chooses eyeBlinkRight
in the Blendshape channel to control the right eye of the alienAvatar object.