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TikTok Effect Platform

v3.5.0 (November 16, 2023)

  • New 3D physics joint components
  • Physics Matter controls bounciness and friction
  • Japanese language support
  • Sketchfab reintegration
  • Apply lighting to effect users with Portrait Normal Texture

New Features

  • Add Physics Matter from the Asset menu to customize the bounciness and friction values of physics objects.
  • The Japanese language option is available in the Language dropdown.
  • Add Portrait Normal Texture from the Asset menu to generate a normal texture from the camera image.
  • Add the 3D Portrait Segmentation object from the Object menu.
  • Assets can now be easily located using the Find asset icon.
  • Use the Blonde Hair generative effect object to lighten your hair.


  • Sketchfab is back, allowing for easy access to their wide variety of 3D assets.
  • Physics Material, Is Tangible, and Fit Mesh properties have been added to collider objects.
  • Physics settings have been added to the Effect Settings window.
  • Portrait Segmentation can easily be added from the Quick Access Bar.
  • View demo videos when selecting an interaction.
  • A drag option is available in the 2D Scene panel.
  • Search for objects in the Object menu.
  • View your Bonus Badge status, including your effects’ stats, in the Bonus Badge window.