Parkour Game
Use the Parkour Game template to create a game where you jump on platforms to earn points! This template was created by @bartel_games.

How to Use This Template
Open Effect House, go to Templates, click the Community Center tab, and select the Parkour Game template.

In the Hierarchy panel, there is a Platforms object with 6 duplicated platform objects. These represent the platforms you must jump on! The 2D Foreground Effects render group contains the 2D images used as instructions on the screen. You can swap out the 3D platforms with your preferred 3D objects.

Visual Scripting
You can start by modifying the Start Speed of the game. The game will restart at this defined speed every time.

The smaller the value, the slower you move, and the greater the value, the faster you move.

Now let's adjust the Jump Height value in the Play Control subgraph.

The smaller the value, the lower you jump, and the greater the value, the higher you jump.

You can customize the scale of your platform objects in the Scene panel and then adjust the Platform Collision Width value to ensure the entire platform is accounted for in your game.

The Min Camera Angle and Max Camera Angle values determine how much of the camera angle you have access to with the swiping motion.