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Jigsaw Puzzle

The Jigsaw Puzzle template is an engaging game where players move jigsaw pieces into their correct positions by tapping and dragging them. Pieces will automatically snap into place when they’re close to the correct spot. While recording, the snap count will increase. The game concludes with a celebratory confetti effect once all pieces are correctly placed!

jigsaw puzzle demo

Open the Template

To use this template in your Effect House project:

  1. Go to Templates
  2. Click the Game tab
  3. Select the Jigsaw Puzzle template
open template


The Hierarchy panel consists of the following render groups:

  • Tip: To customize Jigsaw Puzzle contains helpful hints to customize the effect
  • 2D Foreground renders the Jigsaw camera along with the various objects within the game

Customize the Jigsaw Images

You can customize this template by adding your own images to the Assets panel and then choosing it in the Visual Scripting panel. To import your own images to the Assets panel:

  1. Go to the Assets panel
  2. Click the Add asset button [+]
  3. Go to Import and click From Computer
  4. Select your images and click Open

Tip: To add multiple images at the same time, Command + click (Mac) or Control + click (Windows) onto the images you'd like to select before clicking Open. You can also simply drag the images directly from your computer folder into the Assets panel.

Now that your image is imported, you can now choose it in the Visual Scripting panel


Visual Scripting

visual scripting
  • Snap Distance controls the strength that the puzzle image snaps to the frame
  • Puzzle Image is the image that displays for your puzzle. Change this image to your own to customize the jigsaw puzzle.
  • Puzzle Position controls the positioning of the puzzle on your screen
  • Puzzle Size controls the overall size of the puzzle, including puzzle piece images
  • Starting Opacity controls the transparency of the puzzle image before you place the puzzle pieces onto it
  • Opacity on Complete controls the transparency of the completed puzzle
  • Is Timed enables a timer bar that counts how long it takes you to complete the puzzle. The timer starts as soon as you tap on record.