The Full Body Keypoint Info node retrieves information about the body in the scene, including its outline, keypoints, and the angles of its nine adjacent bones.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Detect | String | The body to detect. "Body 1" represents the first person to appear in the scene and "Body 2" represents the second. |
Name | Data Type | Description |
Body Outline | Rectangular | Returns the outline of the detected body or bodies |
Keypoint Positions | Array | Returns the normalized coordinates of the detected body's 19 2D keypoints in the scene |
Detection Status | Boolean | Returns true if the 19 2D keypoints have been detected |
Skeleton Angles | Array | Returns the angle information of the nine adjacent skeletal segments, which can be used to determine the user's posture |
Skeleton Detection Status | Boolean | Returns true if the angles between each of the nine adjacent skeletal segments have been detected |