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Full Body Keypoint Info

The Full Body Keypoint Info node retrieves information about the body in the scene, including its outline, keypoints, and the angles of its nine adjacent bones.


NameData TypeDescription
DetectStringThe body to detect. "Body 1" represents the first person to appear in the scene and "Body 2" represents the second.


NameData TypeDescription
Body OutlineRectangularReturns the outline of the detected body or bodies
Keypoint PositionsArrayReturns the normalized coordinates of the detected body's 19 2D keypoints in the scene
Detection StatusBooleanReturns true if the 19 2D keypoints have been detected
Skeleton AnglesArrayReturns the angle information of the nine adjacent skeletal segments, which can be used to determine the user's posture
Skeleton Detection StatusBooleanReturns true if the angles between each of the nine adjacent skeletal segments have been detected