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Version: 4.2.0

Collision Event 2D

Detects the collision events between Rigid Body components and outputs relevant information through the Collision Info node.


NameData TypeDescription
StartExecStarts ray cast
Collider ComponentComponentThe object to track for collision events
Event TypeStringThe event that will trigger the next node


NameData TypeDescription
NextExecExecutes the next node
Self ColliderComponentOutputs the collider component of the tracked object
Other ColliderComponentOutputs the collider component of the colliding object
Hit PointVec2The position information of the collision point
Hit NormalVec2The direction of the collision normal
Normal ImpulseNumberThe magnitude of the force in the direction of the collision normal at the collision point
Tangent ImpulseNumberThe magnitude of the force in the direction tangential to the collision normal at the collision point