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Keyboard Shortcuts

The Keyboard Shortcuts panel lets you customize keyboard shortcuts, making it easier to navigate Effect House and saving time on repetitive tasks.

Customize Default Shortcuts

You can customize the default shortcut settings in the Keyboard Shortcuts panel to your own preferences.

To customize the default shortcuts:

  1. Go to the menu bar
  2. Go to Effect House
  3. Click Keyboard Shortcuts. The Keyboard Shortcuts panel will open.
open keyboard shortcuts panel
  1. Click on a keyboard shortcut and set it to your preferred shortcut using your keyboard. To view the available shortcuts you can set, go to Shortcut Options.
keyboard shortcuts panel
  1. Click Done. Your updated shortcuts are now saved.

If a shortcut is assigned to multiple actions, you'll be prompted to either Cancel or Override the conflict, as only one shortcut can be set per command.

shortcut conflict

Restore Shortcuts to Defaults

To restore all shortcuts to their default presets:

  1. Go to the menu bar
  2. Go to Effect House
  3. Click Keyboard Shortcuts. The Keyboard Shortcuts panel will open.
  4. Click Reset
reset all shortcuts

To restore a specific shortcut to its default setting:

  1. Go to the top nav bar
  2. Go to Effect House
  3. Click Shortcuts. The Keyboard Shortcuts panel will open.
  4. Choose a shortcut option you'd like to reset and click Clear x
reset a specific shortcut

Shortcut Options

The shortcuts listed below will reference a few acronyms. For clarity, here are their definitions:

ActionClick Related
Left Mouse ButtonLMB
Right Mouse ButtonRMB
Middle Mouse Button (scroll wheel)MMB scroll
Left Mouse Button dragLMB drag
Right Mouse Button dragRMB drag
Double-click (LMB)Double-click
Touchpad two-finger scrollTouchpad two-finger scroll


SaveCommand [⌘] + SCtrl + S
Save as⇧ ⌘ S⇧ ⌘ S
Create new projectCommand [⌘] + NCtrl + N
Open projectCommand [⌘] + OCtrl + O
Quit Effect HouseCommand [⌘] + QCtrl + Q
Hide Effect HouseCommand [⌘] + HCtrl + H
UndoCommand [⌘] + ZCtrl + Z
RedoShift [⇧] + Command [⌘] + ZShift [⇧] + Ctrl + Z

Scene Panel Control

Move camera forwardRMB + WRMB + W
Move camera backwardRMB + SRMB + S
Move camera leftRMB + ARMB + A
Move camera rightRMB + DRMB + D
Move camera downRMB + QRMB + Q
Move camera upRMB + ERMB + E
Rotate cameraLMB dragLMB drag
Pan cameraOption [⌥] + LMB dragAlt+ LMB drag
Scale camera viewOption [⌥] + RMB drag;MMB scroll; Touchpad two-finger scrollAlt + RMB drag;MMB scroll; Touchpad two-finger scroll
Grab 3D objectQQ
Move 3D objectWW
Rotate 3D objectEE
Scale 3D objectRR
Grab 2D ObjectH + LMB dragH + LMB drag
Temp Grab 2D ObjectRMB dragRMB drag
Switch scene view
Switch between local and world transform
Scale 2D scene view

Asset Management

DuplicateCommand [⌘] DCtrl D
Select multiple nonconsecutive itemsCommand [⌘] + LMBCtrl+ LMB
Select multiple consecutive itemsShift [⇧] + LMBShift [⇧] + LMB
RenameLMB double-clickLMB double-click

Scene Control

Move camera forwardRMB + WRMB + W
Move camera backwardRMB + SRMB + S
Move camera leftRMB + ARMB + A
Move camera rightRMB + DRMB + D
Move camera downRMB + QRMB + Q
Move camera upRMB + ERMB + E
Rotate cameraLMB dragLMB drag
Pan cameraOption [⌥] + LMB dragAlt+ LMB drag
Scale camera viewOption [⌥] + RMB drag;MMB scroll; Touchpad two-finger scrollAlt + RMB drag;MMB scroll; Touchpad two-finger scroll
Grab 3D objectQQ
Move 3D objectWW
Rotate 3D objectEE
Scale 3D objectRR
Grab 2D ObjectH + LMB dragH + LMB drag
Temp Grab 2D ObjectRMB dragRMB drag
Switch scene view
Switch between local and world transform
Scale 2D scene view


DuplicateCommand [⌘] + DCtrl + D
Select multiple nonconsecutive itemsCommand [⌘] + LMBCtrl + LMB
Select multiple consecutive itemsShift [⇧] + LMBShift [⇧] + LMB
RenameLMB double-clickLMB double-click

Visual Scripting

CopyCommand [⌘] + CCtrl + C
PasteCommand [⌘] + VCtrl + V
DuplicateCommand [⌘] + DCtrl + D
Add commentShift [⇧] + Command [⌘] + CShift [⇧] + Ctrl + C
Scale graphOption [⌥] + RMB drag; MMB scroll; Touchpad two-finger scrollAlt + RMB drag; MMB scroll; Touchpad two-finger scroll
Move graphRMB dragRMB drag

Universal Keys

FnFn [🌐︎)
ControlControl [⌃]Ctrl
OptionOption [⌥]
ShiftShift [⇧]Shift [⇧]
CommandCommand [⌘]
Caps LockCaps LockCaps Lock
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