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Version: 3.8.0

Asset Studio

Leverage the beta version of Asset Studio to import text-to-image assets. Asset Studio eliminates the need for artistic skills and expertise by generating custom 2D stickers and face masks.

asset studio

2D asset generation is in early beta and outputs are meant for ideation purposes. Please ensure any usage follows Community Guidelines and Inclusivity Guidelines.

Access Asset Studio

In the Quick Access Bar, click Asset Studio.

access asset studio

Alternatively, you can access Asset Studio from the Assets panel:

  1. Click the Add asset button [+]
  2. Click Create in Asset Studio
access asset studio

Generate 2D Stickers

To generate custom 2D sticker assets in Asset Studio:

  1. Click 2D Sticker (selected by default)
asset studio 2d sticker
  1. Click the Settings button to open the customizable properties
asset studio 2d sticker settings
  1. Adjust the following generation properties:
  • Style: Select from Pixel, Pastel, Doodle, Plastic, Colored Pen, and Cartoon


    Certain Asset Studio styles are not available in Europe

  • Transparent: Generates 2D stickers with a transparent background

  • Generation Steps: Determines how many iterations the generation process goes through

  • Prompt Strength: Determines how closely the output matches your text prompt

gen 0
Generation Steps 3, Prompt Strength 10
Generation Steps 0, Prompt Strength 10
Generation Steps 3, Prompt Strength 1
  1. Enter a prompt and click Generate

The entered prompt is checked to ensure it complies with our community guidelines. If you encounter a "Prompt not supported" message but believe the phrase is appropriate, consider adding "a" before the prompt. For example, "A cheeseburger" instead of "cheeseburger".

prompt not supported message

Sticker Styles

Take a look at the following stickers to see the different aesthetic of each style.


Certain Asset Studio styles are not available in Europe

A cheeseburgerA kittenA clock
cheeseburger pixel
kitten pixel
clock pixel
cheeseburger pastel
kitten pastel
clock pastel
cheeseburger doodle
kitten doodle
clock doodle
cheeseburger plastic
kitten plastic
clock plastic
Colored Pen
cheeseburger colored pen
kitten colored pen
clock colored pen
cheeseburger cartoon
kitten cartoon
clock cartoon

Preview and Import 2D Stickers

A batch of 4 sticker designs are generated for you to import.

2d sticker preview

The generator times out after 10 seconds. If it is unable to generate models within 10 seconds, you may receive an error message. In this case, check your internet connection.

Don’t see what you like? You can continue to generate new designs by customizing the settings and clicking Generate.

change sticker style

Once you’re satisfied with the generated stickers, you can import them.

To import assets into the Assets panel:

  1. Click the Import all button to import all four assets
2d sticker import all
  1. Otherwise, select the assets you want and click the Import button
2d sticker import selected

The imported assets appear in the Textures folder in the Assets panel.

import 2d stickers

You can now assign an imported sticker as a texture. For example, you can change the texture of an Image component to one of the imported sticker textures.

Generate Face Masks

To generate custom face masks in Asset Studio:

  1. Click Face Mask
asset studio face mask
  1. Click the Settings button to open the customizable properties
asset studio face mask settings
  1. Adjust the following generation properties:
  • Model: The preview face to display the resulting mask output. The selected model determines the base skin tone
  • Match face tone: Match the skin tone of the reference face when generating face textures
  • Generation Steps: Determines how many iterations the generation process goes through
  • Prompt Strength: Determines how closely the output matches your text prompt
  1. Enter a prompt and click Generate

The entered prompt is checked to ensure it complies with our community guidelines. If you encounter a "Prompt not supported" message but believe the phrase is appropriate, consider adding "a" before the prompt. For example, "A tiger" instead of "tiger".

prompt not supported message

Preview and Import Face Masks

A batch of 4 face mask assets are generated on your selected reference face.

face mask import all

The generator times out after 10 seconds. If it is unable to generate models within 10 seconds, you may receive an error message. In this case, check your internet connection.

Don’t see what you like? You can continue to generate new designs by customizing the settings and clicking Generate.

Once you’re satisfied with the generated face masks, you can import them.

To import assets into the Assets panel:

  1. Click the Import all button to import all four assets
face mask import all
  1. Otherwise, select the assets you want and click the Import button
face mask import selected

The imported assets appear in the Assets panel. The face mask outputs are converted into prefab assets containing a Face Mask object with the face texture applied.

imported face mask assets

This allows you to conveniently drag and drop the assets directly into the Hierarchy panel.

face mask prefab assets