v3.2.0 (September 11, 2023)
- Batch Editing allows you to edit multiple objects’ properties at once
- GPU instancing has been added to Material Editor
- Record state can be controlled through the Preview panel
New Features
- Edit objects in batches by selecting multiple objects in the Hierarchy panel and simultaneously updating the shared components in the Inspector panel.
- Record state can now be controlled through the Preview panel.
- Three Material Editor nodes have been added for GPU instancing: Instance Count, Instance ID, and Instance Ratio.
- The Scene Object Info node retrieves the name, layer, and visibility from scene objects.
- The Text component now supports the Shadow and Outline properties.
- The Equal node now supports scene objects, allowing you to compare scene objects.
- The Done button in Effect Icon Creator now saves and applies your effect icon when submitting your effect.
- Community Bonus Badges are now displayed on the Effect House home screen.
Bug Fixes
- Render textures appear imported right-side up.