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TikTok Effect Platform

v2.0.0 (February 22, 2023)

  • Introducing three Generative Effects: Eyebrow Eraser, Smile, and Pucker
  • Introducing render groups in the Hierarchy panel

New Features

  • Added three generative models in the Hierarchy panel that modify the face in real time—Eyebrow Eraser, Smile, and Pucker. Try them out by accessing Generative Effects in the Object menu.
  • Use the Look At component to automatically orient any 3D object to face a target object.
  • Introducing render groups which act as containers that group related objects together to optimize rendering. When an object is added to the Hierarchy panel, it is automatically included in an assigned render group.


  • Updated Face Liquify to enable editing in the 2D scene view.
  • When opening an existing project in a newer version of Effect House, you can now click Save as to preserve your original project and open an updated version.

Bug Fixes

  • The Transit by Time node’s Ping-pong input is now false (unchecked) by default.
  • The Flip-Flop node’s Is A output is now false by default.
  • Comment border color customization has returned.