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Effect Creator Rewards Updates: Lower Eligibility, Enhanced Rewards

Effect Creator Rewards Updates: Lower Eligibility, Enhanced Rewards

Effect creators, get excited! We’re making it even easier for you to collect rewards for creating highly engaging TikTok effects in Effect House. From a lower rewards threshold to enhanced payouts, here are the latest updates we made to the Effect Creator Rewards program.

Lower threshold for rewards

Previously, creators needed an their effect to have been used in 100,000 unique public videos in order to start collecting rewards. Now, each effect only needs to be used in just 5,000 unique public videos!

Updated payout structure

We adjusted the payout period from 90 days to 30 days. This means that you’ll start collecting rewards for each effect that is used in 5,000 unique public videos within 30 days.

Finally, we’ve updated our payout structure to better reward creators who make outstanding effects that perform especially well on TikTok. For tips on creating highly engaging effects, check out our handy blog post, “How to Create TikTok Effects That Can Amplify Your Rewards.”

We hope these updates will encourage more creators to create fun effects and get rewarded for their creativity. To learn more about Effect Creator Rewards, check out the FAQ page. Don’t forget to download the free Effect House desktop tool to start creating effects today!